
Anointing Oil - Pomegranate 1/4 oz 膏抹油——石榴 1/4 oz 瓶裝

Anointing Oil - Pomegranate 1/4 oz 膏抹油——石榴 1/4 oz 瓶裝

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裝在一個玻璃瓶中,配有螺旋蓋。尺寸非常適中,可放入口袋或錢包,方便攜帶,需要時隨手可得。由純橄欖油和香料製成。 ...了解更多....



Oil of Gladness Anointing Oil Pomegranate comes in a glass bottle with a screw on lid.  It is perfectly sized for pocket or purse making it convenient and handy when you need it.  Made with Pure Olive Oil and fragrance.

The pomegranate scent of this anointing oil is inspired by the many Biblical references to its symbolism of righteousness. God told Moses to place embroider the bottom of the high priest's robe with blue, purple and scarlet pomegranates with golden bells between them (Ex. 28:33, 34). The robe was for Aaron to wear in the Holy of Holies so he would not die. Many other Old Testament references place the pomegranate in high reverence such as on Solomon's temple's column capitals and on a cornet the same king designed.  Did you know when those of the Jewish faith celebrate Rosh Hashanah in the latter weeks of September, many make it a point to include pomegranates with their feasts? Their tradition today and in the past portrays the pomegranate as a symbol of righteousness. 

In the New Testament book of Luke there is the story of an anointing event that happened in the early days of Jesus’ ministry. A woman of the street entered uninvited into a house where Jesus was a dinner guest. Kneeling at his feet, she anointed them. With her tears, she dampened them. With her hair, she dried them. With her lips, she continually kissed them. When the host, a Pharisee, challenged Jesus for allowing this, he responded with the teaching of the “Unforgiving Debtor.” When he had finished his teaching he asked, “Do you see this woman?” He then went on to declare, “Her sins, which are many, have been forgiven, for she loved much; but he who is forgiven little loves little” (Luke 7:41-48). Apparently, according to these words of Jesus, true righteousness comes and is evidenced by a completely changed heart. 


Oil of Gladness 膏抹油 - 石榴 1/4 盎司,裝在一個玻璃瓶中,配有螺旋蓋。尺寸非常適中,可放入口袋或錢包,方便攜帶,需要時隨手可得。由純橄欖油和香料製成。
這款膏抹油的石榴香氣靈感來自許多聖經對其代表公義的描述。上帝吩咐摩西在大祭司的長袍下橫繡藍色、紫色和朱紅色的石榴,並在它們之間懸掛金鈴鐺(出埃及記 28:33, 34)。這件長袍是為了讓亞倫在至聖所穿戴,以免他死亡。許多舊約的其他地方也將石榴視為極其尊貴的象徵,比如所羅門設計的殿柱頂端和這位國王設計的角號上都有石榴。你知道嗎,猶太人信仰的人在九月底慶祝新年(Rosh Hashanah)時,很多人都會在他們的宴會中包含石榴嗎?他們今天和過去的傳統將石榴描繪為公義的象徵。
在新約聖經路加福音中,有一個發生在耶穌事工早期的膏抹事件。一名街頭的婦人未經邀請進入了耶穌作客的一個家中。她跪在他腳前,用她的眼淚弄濕了他的腳,用她的頭髮擦乾了他的腳,用她的嘴不斷地吻著他的腳。當主人,一個法利賽人,質疑耶穌為什麼容許這樣做時,他以“不可饒恕的債務人”這一教訓回應。在他結束教訓後,他問道:“你看見這女人嗎?”然後他繼續宣告:“她許多的罪都赦免了,因為她的愛多;但那赦免少的,他的愛就少。”(路加福音 7:41-48)。根據耶穌的這番話,顯然,真正的公義是由完全改變的心所帶來並表現出來的。


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Every Good Gift Anointing Oil - Pomegranate 1/4 oz  膏抹油——石榴 1/4 oz 瓶裝
Anointing Oil - Pomegranate 1/4 oz 膏抹油——石榴 1/4 oz 瓶裝
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