
青年聖歌綜合本  III

青年聖歌綜合本  III

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何統雄 編

本綜合本乃青年聖歌第九集至第十二集之合編,內有中英對照的精選詩歌二百首,有助信徒向神獻上歌頌。 ...了解更多....



作者: 何統雄
出版: 宣道出版社
初版: 1995/04
頁數: 292
ISBN: 9789622441590






1. 聖哉,聖哉,聖哉 (Holy, Holy, Holy)
2. 聖父阿,我敬佩你 (Heavenly Father, I Appreciate You)
3. 感謝神 (Thanks to God)
4. 我要歌頌救贖恩主 (My Redeemer)
5. 要像主耶穌 (To Be Like Jesus)
6. 我恭敬跪下歡呼「聖哉」 (I Fell on My Knees and Cried, "Holy")
7. 忠於主基督 (Loyalty to Christ)
8. 我們來敬拜你 (We Come, O Christ, to Thee)
9. 滿有恩典慈愛的真神 (According to The Loving-Kindness)
10. 我為主活 (I'll Live for Him)
11. 耶穌是一位奇妙救主 (Jesus Is a Wonderful Saviour)
12. 唱在光明之時 (Sing When the Day Is Bright)
13. 我奇妙的主 (My Wonderful Lord)
14. 我所需要 (All I Need)
15. 我救主和牧者 (My Saviour and Shepherd)
16. 慈愛牧者 (Gentle Shepherd)
17. 慈愛牧者 (Shepherd of Love)
18. 我心靈裡有喜樂 (Summertime in My Heart)
19. 主使我得快樂 (Happiness Is the Lord)
20. 主賜的喜樂 (The Joy of the Lord)
21. 我主與我 (My God and I)
22. 來讚美我主我王 (Come and Praise the Lord Our King)
23. 主與我同在 (Jesus and Me)
24. 願主耶穌的榮美 (Let the Beauty of Jesus)
25. 主必保守我 (He Will Hold Me Fast)
26. 主有說不盡的寶貴 (Unspeakably Precious Is He)
27. 恩典足夠我用 (Grace, Enough for Me)
28. 天父必看顧你 (God Will Take Care of You)
29. 祂對我是何等寶貴 (He Is So Precious to Me)
30. 主能夠 (He's Able)
31. 惟獨主使我滿足 (Only Jesus)
32. 惟耶穌使我滿足 (Only Jesus Satisfies!)
33. 這極大救恩 (So Great Salvation)
34. 我原不配得 (I Am Not Worthy)
35. 今日用我 (Use Me Today)
36. 萬福源頭 (Come, Thou Fount)
37. 有福的確據 (Blessed Assurance)
38. 我相信主應允快來到 (I Believe the Answer's on the Way)
39. 有福的寧靜 (Bless Quietness)
40. 曾經有多久? (How Long Has It Been?)
41. 賜給我你的心 (Give Me a Heart Like Thine)
42. 進到更深處 (Deeper and Deeper)
43. 我是主的羊 (His Sheep Am I)
44. 看哪神的羔羊 (Behold the Lamb of God)
45. 我願為迷路羊 (I Was a Wandering Sheep)
46. 羔羊真配得 (Worthy Is the Lamb)
47. 響鐘聲 (Ring the Bells)
48. 生命像交響曲 (Life Is a Symphony)
49. 祂是神 (He Is Lord)
50. 像美妙詩歌 (Like a Melody)
51. 眾人就知道我們是基督徒 (They'll Know We Are Christian by Our Love)
52. 愛就是 (Love Was When)
53. 神是愛 (God Is Love)
54. 愛開了路 (Love Found a Way)
55. 生命靈氣 (O Breath of Life)
56. 主的愛 (His Love)
57. 基督為我 (Christ for Me)
58. 當發光如晨星 (We Shall Shine As the Stars)
59. 要安靜 (Keep Sweet)
60. 我與你同在 (I Am with You)
61. 我與主同行 (Walking with Jesus)
62. 與主同行真榮耀快樂 (It Is Glory Just to Walk with Him)
63. 若沒有祂 (Without Him)
64. 耶穌時常同在 (Jesus Is Always There)
65. 要歌唱 (Sing Along)
66. 救主愛我何等奇妙 (His Love Is Wonderful to Me)
67. 主話語像奇美花園 (Thy Word Is Like a Garden, Lord)
68. 主大慈愛尋找我 (In Tenderness He Sought Me)
69. 我蒙主愛 (This Love Is Mine!)
70. 奇妙的愛 (Wondrous Love)
71. 唯一寶貴生命 (Only One Life)
72. 神的慈愛 (Behold, What Love!)
73. 主愛在心焚起 (Tis Burning in My Soul)
74. 自主豐盛慈愛進來 (Since the Fullness of His Love Came In)
75. 一生操主手中 (My Times Are in Thy Hand)
76. 主耶穌的愛真是奇妙 (Isn't the Love of Jesus Something Wonderful!)
77. 請你來 (Kum Ba Yah)
78. 耶穌為我 (Jesus for Me)
79. 主在我心 (Christ in Me)
80. 神是何等奇妙 (God Is So Wonderful)
81. 主曾這樣為我 (That's What He Did for Me)
82. 求主滿我杯 (Fill My Cup, Lord)
83. 流通管子 (Channels Only)
84. 主,我願忠心於你 (Jesus, I Would Faithful Be)
85. 我已立下決心 (I Am Resolved)
86. 改變 (Transformed)
87. 我的負擔 (My Task)
88. 親近,更親近 (Nearer, Still Nearer)
89. 主,牽我手 (Hold Thou My Hand)
90. 榮美君王 (The King in His Beauty)
91. 平安像河流 (Peace Like a River)
92. 耶穌聖名 (The Name of Jesus)
93. 都歸耶穌 (All for Jesus)
94. 主,使我體會各各他 (Lord, Make Calvary Real to Me)
95. 在加略山 (On Calvary's Tree)
96. 主為何要愛我 (Why Should He Love Me So?)
97. 記念髑髏地 (I Remember Calvary)
98. 你心裡有地方為主嗎? (Is There Room In Your Heart?)
99. 你們要先求祂的國 (Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God)
100. 務要守牢 (Hold the Fort)
101. 找迷羊 (Bring Them In)
102. 向人傳開 (Pass It On)
103. 小山上的居所 (Mansion Over the Hilltop)
104. 求主賜我異象 (Give Me a Vission)
105. 成為我異象 (Be Thou My Vision)
106. 愛我比這些更深麼? (Lovest Thou Me More Than These?)
107. 賜我愛靈魂的心 (Lord, Lay Some Soul upon My Heart)
108. 世上歡樂撇盡 (Fade, Fade, Each Earthly Joy)
109. 這路不容易走 (It's Not an Easy Road)
110. 平安 (Shalom)
111. 藉恩得勝 (Victory through Grace)
112. 與主同居住 (Dwelling Together)
113. 天上的榮光 (Heavenly Sunlight)
114. 萬事已改變 (Things Are Different Now)
115. 生命活泉 (Springs of Living Water)
116. 不懼怕 (Unafraid)
117. 心靈饑渴者 (Ho! Every One that Is Thirsty)
118. 主真實可靠 (My Lord Is Real)
119. 無窮無限救恩 (O Boundless Salvation)
120. 神忘記我罪過 (God Forgot All My Sins)
121. 恩典大過我罪愆 (Grace Greater Than Our Sin)
122. 主受傷是為我們罪過 (He Was Wounded for Our Transgressions)
123. 我找到藏身之所 (I Have Found a Hiding Place)
124. 寶貴隱密處 (Precious Hiding Place)
125. 藏在主磐石蔭下 (Hiding in the Shadow of the Rock)
126. 那等候耶和華的人 (They That Wait upon the Lord)
127. 望而活 (Look and Live)
128. 各各他十字架 (On the Gross of Calvary)
129. 我不孤單 (I'm Not Alone)
130. 永不再孤單 (I'll Never Be Lonely Again)
131. 分享信心 (Share Your Faith)
132. 要靠主剛強 (Be Strong in the Lord)
133. 獻身心 (Here's My Life)
134. 順服神 (Yielded to God)
135. 最好的獻與主 (Our Best)
136. 救人與事奉 (Saving and Serving)
137. 事奉主耶穌真喜樂 (Joy in Serving Jesus)
138. 每天的每一刻 (Every Moment of Every Day)
139. 主阿,請差我 (Here Am I, Send Me)
140. 每時每刻 (Moment by Moment)
141. 愛惜光陰 (Redeem the Time)
142. 一次成全 (Once for All)
143. 不愛己,專一愛你 (None of Self, and All of Thee)
144. 成全主的旨意 (Doing His Will)
145. 清潔的心 (A Clean Heart)
146. 要禱告交託耶穌 (Take It to Jesus in Prayer)
147. 懇求主教導 (Prayer before Preaching)
148. 當你禱告 (When You Pray)
149. 壓傷的蘆葦 (A Bruised Reed)
150. 十架下的禱告 (Prayer at the Cross)
151. 晚禱 (An Evening Prayer)
152. 你玫瑰雖有刺 (Your Roses May Have Thorns)
153. 神未曾應許 (God Hath Not Promised)
154. 超越時間之嶺 (Above the Hills of Time)
155. 昨天,今天,明天 (Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow)
156. 祂今日仍是一樣 (He Is Just the Same Today)
157. 我知道我往何處 (I Know where I'm Going)
158. 那一天決顯現 (What a Day That Will Be)
159. 主耶穌再來 (Lo, Jesus Comes!)
160. 等到主來 (Till He Come—Oh, Let the Words)
161. 我要舉目 (Psalm 121)
162. 我曾見耶穌十架 (I Saw the Cross of Jesus)
163. 當信主耶穌基督 (Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ)
164. 跟從主耶穌好得無比 (Tis Better Far to Follow Jesus)
165. 請發光 (Send the Light)
166. 到東方,到西方 (To the East, To the West)
167. 要往普天下去 (Go Ye into All the World)
168. 馬其頓的呼聲 (Macedonia)
169. 收割莊稼的呼聲 (The Harvest Fields Are Calling)
170. 要緊緊跟隨耶穌 (Keep On Following Jesus)
171. 差遣我 (Master, Use Me)
172. 愛人靈魂 (A Passion for Souls)
173. 但願與神親密同行 (Oh, for a Closer Walk)
174. 叫世人知道 (Till the Whole World Knows)
175. 使人從你認識耶穌 (Let Others See Jesus in You)
176. 全世界歸向耶穌 (The Whole Wide World)
177. 懇求主垂聽 (Hear Our Prayer, O Lord)
178. 求主趕快差遣僕人 (Speed Thy Servants, Saviour)
179. 主耶穌凡事能成就 (Nothing Is Too Hard for Jesus)
180. 若你認識主 (If You Know the Lord)
181. 主擁有千山上各種牲畜 (He Owns the Cattle on a Thousand Hills)
182. 你認識耶穌麼? (Do You Know My Jesus?)
183. 來接受耶穌 (Come to Jesus)
184. 來就主耶穌 (Reach Out to Jesus)
185. 來飲我活水 (Come to the Water)
186. 安然過 (Through It All)
187. 幻夢 (The Illusive Dream)
188. 選擇由我 (The Choice Is Mine)
189. 救主是我一切 (He's Everything to Me)
190. 信靠救主 (Trusting in the Saviour)
191. 救主正在等待 (The Saviour Is Waiting)
192. 到天堂唯一的道路 (The Only Way to Heaven)
193. 這最大故事尚未傳揚 (The Greatest Story Is Yet Untold)
194. 讓普世知道 (Let the Whole World Know!)
195. 為我過犯受傷害 (Wounded for Our Transgressions)
196. 與神同行 (I'll Go with God)
197. 耶穌為你良友 (Take Jesus As Your Friend)
198. 請再將祂名告知 (Tell Me His Name Again)
199. 我要再回來 (I Will Come Again)
200. 你是否可以袖手旁觀? (Does It Make Any Difference to You?)


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宣道 China Alliance Press 青年聖歌綜合本  III
青年聖歌綜合本  III
何統雄 編

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