作者: | 何統雄 編 |
出版: | 宣道出版社 |
初版: | 1995/04 |
頁數: | 292 |
尺寸: | |
ISBN: | 9789622441590 |
歌名 |
1. 聖哉,聖哉,聖哉 (Holy, Holy, Holy) |
2. 聖父阿,我敬佩你 (Heavenly Father, I Appreciate You) |
3. 感謝神 (Thanks to God) |
4. 我要歌頌救贖恩主 (My Redeemer) |
5. 要像主耶穌 (To Be Like Jesus) |
6. 我恭敬跪下歡呼「聖哉」 (I Fell on My Knees and Cried, "Holy") |
7. 忠於主基督 (Loyalty to Christ) |
8. 我們來敬拜你 (We Come, O Christ, to Thee) |
9. 滿有恩典慈愛的真神 (According to The Loving-Kindness) |
10. 我為主活 (I'll Live for Him) |
11. 耶穌是一位奇妙救主 (Jesus Is a Wonderful Saviour) |
12. 唱在光明之時 (Sing When the Day Is Bright) |
13. 我奇妙的主 (My Wonderful Lord) |
14. 我所需要 (All I Need) |
15. 我救主和牧者 (My Saviour and Shepherd) |
16. 慈愛牧者 (Gentle Shepherd) |
17. 慈愛牧者 (Shepherd of Love) |
18. 我心靈裡有喜樂 (Summertime in My Heart) |
19. 主使我得快樂 (Happiness Is the Lord) |
20. 主賜的喜樂 (The Joy of the Lord) |
21. 我主與我 (My God and I) |
22. 來讚美我主我王 (Come and Praise the Lord Our King) |
23. 主與我同在 (Jesus and Me) |
24. 願主耶穌的榮美 (Let the Beauty of Jesus) |
25. 主必保守我 (He Will Hold Me Fast) |
26. 主有說不盡的寶貴 (Unspeakably Precious Is He) |
27. 恩典足夠我用 (Grace, Enough for Me) |
28. 天父必看顧你 (God Will Take Care of You) |
29. 祂對我是何等寶貴 (He Is So Precious to Me) |
30. 主能夠 (He's Able) |
31. 惟獨主使我滿足 (Only Jesus) |
32. 惟耶穌使我滿足 (Only Jesus Satisfies!) |
33. 這極大救恩 (So Great Salvation) |
34. 我原不配得 (I Am Not Worthy) |
35. 今日用我 (Use Me Today) |
36. 萬福源頭 (Come, Thou Fount) |
37. 有福的確據 (Blessed Assurance) |
38. 我相信主應允快來到 (I Believe the Answer's on the Way) |
39. 有福的寧靜 (Bless Quietness) |
40. 曾經有多久? (How Long Has It Been?) |
41. 賜給我你的心 (Give Me a Heart Like Thine) |
42. 進到更深處 (Deeper and Deeper) |
43. 我是主的羊 (His Sheep Am I) |
44. 看哪神的羔羊 (Behold the Lamb of God) |
45. 我願為迷路羊 (I Was a Wandering Sheep) |
46. 羔羊真配得 (Worthy Is the Lamb) |
47. 響鐘聲 (Ring the Bells) |
48. 生命像交響曲 (Life Is a Symphony) |
49. 祂是神 (He Is Lord) |
50. 像美妙詩歌 (Like a Melody) |
51. 眾人就知道我們是基督徒 (They'll Know We Are Christian by Our Love) |
52. 愛就是 (Love Was When) |
53. 神是愛 (God Is Love) |
54. 愛開了路 (Love Found a Way) |
55. 生命靈氣 (O Breath of Life) |
56. 主的愛 (His Love) |
57. 基督為我 (Christ for Me) |
58. 當發光如晨星 (We Shall Shine As the Stars) |
59. 要安靜 (Keep Sweet) |
60. 我與你同在 (I Am with You) |
61. 我與主同行 (Walking with Jesus) |
62. 與主同行真榮耀快樂 (It Is Glory Just to Walk with Him) |
63. 若沒有祂 (Without Him) |
64. 耶穌時常同在 (Jesus Is Always There) |
65. 要歌唱 (Sing Along) |
66. 救主愛我何等奇妙 (His Love Is Wonderful to Me) |
67. 主話語像奇美花園 (Thy Word Is Like a Garden, Lord) |
68. 主大慈愛尋找我 (In Tenderness He Sought Me) |
69. 我蒙主愛 (This Love Is Mine!) |
70. 奇妙的愛 (Wondrous Love) |
71. 唯一寶貴生命 (Only One Life) |
72. 神的慈愛 (Behold, What Love!) |
73. 主愛在心焚起 (Tis Burning in My Soul) |
74. 自主豐盛慈愛進來 (Since the Fullness of His Love Came In) |
75. 一生操主手中 (My Times Are in Thy Hand) |
76. 主耶穌的愛真是奇妙 (Isn't the Love of Jesus Something Wonderful!) |
77. 請你來 (Kum Ba Yah) |
78. 耶穌為我 (Jesus for Me) |
79. 主在我心 (Christ in Me) |
80. 神是何等奇妙 (God Is So Wonderful) |
81. 主曾這樣為我 (That's What He Did for Me) |
82. 求主滿我杯 (Fill My Cup, Lord) |
83. 流通管子 (Channels Only) |
84. 主,我願忠心於你 (Jesus, I Would Faithful Be) |
85. 我已立下決心 (I Am Resolved) |
86. 改變 (Transformed) |
87. 我的負擔 (My Task) |
88. 親近,更親近 (Nearer, Still Nearer) |
89. 主,牽我手 (Hold Thou My Hand) |
90. 榮美君王 (The King in His Beauty) |
91. 平安像河流 (Peace Like a River) |
92. 耶穌聖名 (The Name of Jesus) |
93. 都歸耶穌 (All for Jesus) |
94. 主,使我體會各各他 (Lord, Make Calvary Real to Me) |
95. 在加略山 (On Calvary's Tree) |
96. 主為何要愛我 (Why Should He Love Me So?) |
97. 記念髑髏地 (I Remember Calvary) |
98. 你心裡有地方為主嗎? (Is There Room In Your Heart?) |
99. 你們要先求祂的國 (Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God) |
100. 務要守牢 (Hold the Fort) |
101. 找迷羊 (Bring Them In) |
102. 向人傳開 (Pass It On) |
103. 小山上的居所 (Mansion Over the Hilltop) |
104. 求主賜我異象 (Give Me a Vission) |
105. 成為我異象 (Be Thou My Vision) |
106. 愛我比這些更深麼? (Lovest Thou Me More Than These?) |
107. 賜我愛靈魂的心 (Lord, Lay Some Soul upon My Heart) |
108. 世上歡樂撇盡 (Fade, Fade, Each Earthly Joy) |
109. 這路不容易走 (It's Not an Easy Road) |
110. 平安 (Shalom) |
111. 藉恩得勝 (Victory through Grace) |
112. 與主同居住 (Dwelling Together) |
113. 天上的榮光 (Heavenly Sunlight) |
114. 萬事已改變 (Things Are Different Now) |
115. 生命活泉 (Springs of Living Water) |
116. 不懼怕 (Unafraid) |
117. 心靈饑渴者 (Ho! Every One that Is Thirsty) |
118. 主真實可靠 (My Lord Is Real) |
119. 無窮無限救恩 (O Boundless Salvation) |
120. 神忘記我罪過 (God Forgot All My Sins) |
121. 恩典大過我罪愆 (Grace Greater Than Our Sin) |
122. 主受傷是為我們罪過 (He Was Wounded for Our Transgressions) |
123. 我找到藏身之所 (I Have Found a Hiding Place) |
124. 寶貴隱密處 (Precious Hiding Place) |
125. 藏在主磐石蔭下 (Hiding in the Shadow of the Rock) |
126. 那等候耶和華的人 (They That Wait upon the Lord) |
127. 望而活 (Look and Live) |
128. 各各他十字架 (On the Gross of Calvary) |
129. 我不孤單 (I'm Not Alone) |
130. 永不再孤單 (I'll Never Be Lonely Again) |
131. 分享信心 (Share Your Faith) |
132. 要靠主剛強 (Be Strong in the Lord) |
133. 獻身心 (Here's My Life) |
134. 順服神 (Yielded to God) |
135. 最好的獻與主 (Our Best) |
136. 救人與事奉 (Saving and Serving) |
137. 事奉主耶穌真喜樂 (Joy in Serving Jesus) |
138. 每天的每一刻 (Every Moment of Every Day) |
139. 主阿,請差我 (Here Am I, Send Me) |
140. 每時每刻 (Moment by Moment) |
141. 愛惜光陰 (Redeem the Time) |
142. 一次成全 (Once for All) |
143. 不愛己,專一愛你 (None of Self, and All of Thee) |
144. 成全主的旨意 (Doing His Will) |
145. 清潔的心 (A Clean Heart) |
146. 要禱告交託耶穌 (Take It to Jesus in Prayer) |
147. 懇求主教導 (Prayer before Preaching) |
148. 當你禱告 (When You Pray) |
149. 壓傷的蘆葦 (A Bruised Reed) |
150. 十架下的禱告 (Prayer at the Cross) |
151. 晚禱 (An Evening Prayer) |
152. 你玫瑰雖有刺 (Your Roses May Have Thorns) |
153. 神未曾應許 (God Hath Not Promised) |
154. 超越時間之嶺 (Above the Hills of Time) |
155. 昨天,今天,明天 (Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow) |
156. 祂今日仍是一樣 (He Is Just the Same Today) |
157. 我知道我往何處 (I Know where I'm Going) |
158. 那一天決顯現 (What a Day That Will Be) |
159. 主耶穌再來 (Lo, Jesus Comes!) |
160. 等到主來 (Till He Come—Oh, Let the Words) |
161. 我要舉目 (Psalm 121) |
162. 我曾見耶穌十架 (I Saw the Cross of Jesus) |
163. 當信主耶穌基督 (Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ) |
164. 跟從主耶穌好得無比 (Tis Better Far to Follow Jesus) |
165. 請發光 (Send the Light) |
166. 到東方,到西方 (To the East, To the West) |
167. 要往普天下去 (Go Ye into All the World) |
168. 馬其頓的呼聲 (Macedonia) |
169. 收割莊稼的呼聲 (The Harvest Fields Are Calling) |
170. 要緊緊跟隨耶穌 (Keep On Following Jesus) |
171. 差遣我 (Master, Use Me) |
172. 愛人靈魂 (A Passion for Souls) |
173. 但願與神親密同行 (Oh, for a Closer Walk) |
174. 叫世人知道 (Till the Whole World Knows) |
175. 使人從你認識耶穌 (Let Others See Jesus in You) |
176. 全世界歸向耶穌 (The Whole Wide World) |
177. 懇求主垂聽 (Hear Our Prayer, O Lord) |
178. 求主趕快差遣僕人 (Speed Thy Servants, Saviour) |
179. 主耶穌凡事能成就 (Nothing Is Too Hard for Jesus) |
180. 若你認識主 (If You Know the Lord) |
181. 主擁有千山上各種牲畜 (He Owns the Cattle on a Thousand Hills) |
182. 你認識耶穌麼? (Do You Know My Jesus?) |
183. 來接受耶穌 (Come to Jesus) |
184. 來就主耶穌 (Reach Out to Jesus) |
185. 來飲我活水 (Come to the Water) |
186. 安然過 (Through It All) |
187. 幻夢 (The Illusive Dream) |
188. 選擇由我 (The Choice Is Mine) |
189. 救主是我一切 (He's Everything to Me) |
190. 信靠救主 (Trusting in the Saviour) |
191. 救主正在等待 (The Saviour Is Waiting) |
192. 到天堂唯一的道路 (The Only Way to Heaven) |
193. 這最大故事尚未傳揚 (The Greatest Story Is Yet Untold) |
194. 讓普世知道 (Let the Whole World Know!) |
195. 為我過犯受傷害 (Wounded for Our Transgressions) |
196. 與神同行 (I'll Go with God) |
197. 耶穌為你良友 (Take Jesus As Your Friend) |
198. 請再將祂名告知 (Tell Me His Name Again) |
199. 我要再回來 (I Will Come Again) |
200. 你是否可以袖手旁觀? (Does It Make Any Difference to You?) |