作者: | 安德魯.牛頓(Andrew Newton) |
繪者: | 桑德琳.拉穆爾(Sandrine L’Amour) |
譯者: | 麥偉光 |
出版: | 文林出版 |
初版: | 2021/10 |
頁數: | 116 |
尺寸: | 280 X 216 mm |
ISBN: | 9789624888843 |
Activity time or story time? Why not both?
With 17 beloved Bible stories and 100 activities, will provide hours of entertainment, creativity, and learning for your 4-7-year-old children.
Read the brief stories with your children, stimulate their growing minds with activities designed just for them.
安德魯‧牛頓(Andrew Newton)著作了多本兒童聖經讀本,包括The Junior Bible、Big Kids’ Little Bible ,及全套5本為不同年齡兒童設計的「遊戲聖經系列」(Best Activity Bibles)。
桑德琳‧拉穆爾(Sandrine L’Amour)在1977年生於法國聖布里厄,於法國圖爾的布拉薩藝術學校(School of Brassart in Tours)畢業,2006年起成為童書插畫師,作品還包括《童唸金句--幼兒聖經故事》(宗教教育中心出版)。
伊甸園 The Garden of Eden
洪水中得救 Saved From the Flood
上帝信守承諾 God Keeps His Promise
約瑟原諒哥哥 Joseph Forgives his Brothers
紅海逃生 The Escape through the Sea
路得和拿俄米的新家庭 A New Family for Ruth and Naomi
大衞信靠上帝 David Trusts in God
降下火來 Fire from Heaven
約拿躲避上帝 Jonah Runs from God
耶穌降生 The Birth of Jesus
耶穌呼召門徒 Jesus Calls His Disciples
耶穌平靜風浪 Jesus Calms the Storm
耶穌醫治小女孩 Jesus Heals a Little Girl
耶穌喜愛小孩 Jesus Loves Children
撒該看見耶穌 Zacchaeus Meets Jesus
耶穌進入耶路撒冷 Jesus Enters Jerusalem
耶穌死而復活 Jesus Dies and Rises Again